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It is presentable when your chopstick is on the rest. Hashi Oki.

Have you ever had a chopstick roll off a plate or tried to pick them up off a flat table? A rest or stand will help keep your chopsticks clean and readily available.

Kutani ware is a style of Japanese porcelain known for multiple colors such as different greens, blues, yellows, purples and reds. The most significant feature of Kutani ware is its attractive appearance.

The history ofKutani-yakigoes back to around the 17th century. The first lord of Daishoji Domain, Maeda Toshiharu, told his retainer Goto Saijiro to go learn about pottery in Hizen-arita, after magnetite was discovered in Kaneyama, Kutani, which is now Sannaka cho, Kutani in Ishikawa Prefecture. He adopted its techniques and built a kiln in Kutani, which is said to be the beginning ofKutani-yaki.

Size: 2.5″(L)